Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Like mother like daughter

Richard took this picture this morning while me and Emma were sleeping. It's too funny how we sleep the same!

Emma in the pool attempt #1

This was on Father's Day. We went to Larry's parents for lunch. They had garlic shrimp, cocktail shrimp, all kinds of fruit, and deserts! Their house was beautiful! But Emma's 1st attempt with the pool didn't go over too well. I think right now the water might still be too cold for her, probably because she is used to warm baths, which she LOVES! These pics are with Lori, Richard's mom. She bought Emma this bathing suit, its light green and pink with pink flamengos on it. Adorable!

Saturday Brunch

This weekend, my aunt and her family came into town. I hadn't seen them in almost 4 years. It was great to finally see them and spend a great weekend with them. We went to the Ranger game Thursday night, and that did not go well with Emma. She did not like the heat or the screaming of the fans, so my mom and dad had to take her back to our apartment. Saturday we had brunch and then went to the Allen Outlet Shopping center, then Joe's Crabshack for lunch, and a cookout back at my parent's with fajitas, sopita, queso and guacamole. Mmmm good!
This is my crazy aunt Celeste and Emma!

My cousin Joshua, 10, with my mom in the background.

My uncle John, Emma giving her look to Celeste, and my youngest cousin Juliana, 4, on the left.

My cousin Desiree, 8, Juliana, John and Emma

Rolling Over

So a couple of weeks ago, Emma was starting to roll to her side. It seemed like she couldn't get her butt and legs to go with her. Then one morning while I was doing the dishes, I decided to lay Emma on her back on the floor and would periodically look over at her to make sure she was ok. Next thing I know I looked over and she was on her stomach, completely shocked and excited, I rolled her back over on her back and she did it again! I was so excited. Now she wont stop rolling! It's the beginning of Mobile Emma!